Galerie - Sold objects

Ines Büsing (DE) - "Pyramidal Wing Segment I"

Ines Büsing (DE), "Pyramidal Wing Segment I", a quarter…
Sold Objects

Kees (Ben) van Renssen (NL) - dynamic ceramic block

Kees (Ben) van Renssen (NL), dynamic ceramic block with…
Sold Objects

Carolein Smit (NL/BE) - hanging plastic "Beast"

Carolein Smit (NL/BE), hanging plastic "Beast", hand…
Sold Objects

Paulus van Leeuwen (NL) - constructivist piece

Paulus van Leeuwen, prototype of a bowl shape on feet, a…
Sold Objects

Johan van Loon (NL) - thin-walled bowl with two curlers

Johan van Loon (NL), thin-walled bowl made of strips of…
Sold Objects

Ulla Hansen (DK) - bowl with six breaks at the rim in blue

Ulla Hansen (DK), bowl with six breaks at the rim, …
Sold Objects

Ursula Scheid (DE) - small cylindrical vase with horizontal strings

Ursula Scheid (DE), small cylindrical vase with high…
Sold Objects

Sigrid Grote & Ulfert Hillers (DE) - two handshaped containers

The artist couple Sigrid Grote and Ulfert Hillers shared…
Sold Objects

MP - medium sized cylindrical bowl

Medium-sized cylindrical bowl, handthrown, manganese…
Sold Objects

Des Pots (NL) - designvase in (sea)fruitshape

Des Pots (NL), design serica vase, handthrown and…
Sold Objects
