Galerie - Sold objects

Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland, Gouda - a commemotive plate 1920

From the Plateelbakkerij (faience pottery) Zuid-Holland…
Sold Objects

Cris Agterberg - cubic plastic of a kneeled person

Cris Agterberg in Utrecht - designer and artist - made…
Sold Objects

De Distel, Amsterdam - group of so called 'Carduus' tiles

De Distel (The Thisle…
Sold Objects

Prestige Collection - 'Holland', Utrecht, tile panel with stilized water lilies

The Fayence- en Tegelfabriek "Holland" in Utrecht…
Sold Objects

St. Lukas, Utrecht - lustre vase with underglaze decoration

Art Earthenware Factory St. Lukas, Utrecht (1909-1923). …
Sold Objects

Adolf Le Comte - rare plate with historical scene

This decorative dish with the scene of Joan of Arc is a…
Sold Objects

Prestige Collection - 'Bodart'- earthenware, rare ornamental vase

'Bodart' - earthenware by De Porceleyne Fles in Delft.…
Sold Objects

De Porceleyne Fles, Delft - plate with Iznik decoration

De Porceleyne Fles in Delft, dish of so-called 'Nieuw…
Sold Objects

Prestige Collection XI - Bob Forman, container untitled

Robert L. Forman (Bob) is born in Los Angeles,…
Sold Objects

Prestige Collectie V - Wim Borst, five parts table piece

Exceptionally high skills are required of the artist Wim…
Sold Objects
