Galerie - Sold objects

Richard Manz (DE/DK) - an imposing big box with dome cover

Manz Richard (DE / DK), an imposing big box with dome...
Sold Objects

Matthieu Robert (FR) - vase form, square shaped, oil spot glaze

Matthieu Robert (FR), a handthrown vase, square shaped,...
Sold Objects

Rolf Overberg (DE) - 'Owl cube, dated 1968

Rolf Overberg (DE), 'Owl cube', highly abstracted owl in...
Sold Objects

Wim Borst (NL) - 'Rectangular series # 1'

Wim Borst (NL), architectural ceramic object, with title...
Sold Objects

Lies Cosijn (NL) - large bowl with peepholes

Lies Cosijn (NL), large bowl with peepholes, stoneware...
Sold Objects

Horst Göbbels (DE) - two small ball-shaped lidded boxes

Horst Göbbels (DE), two small ball-shaped lidded boxes...
Sold Objects

Daniel de Montmollin (CH/FR) - square bottle vase

Père Daniel de Montmollin (CH/FR), hight turned bottle...
Sold Objects

Geert Schreuder (NL) - oval container in black

Geert Schreuder (NL), handmolded wide and oval early...
Sold Objects

Ingeborg Asshoff (DE) - twinned bowls on foot

Two in one assembled bowls, handthrown, stoneware, the...
Sold Objects

Lene Regius (DK) - pastel colored landscape vase "Nile Town"

Lene Regius (DK) - a large slabbuilt oval vase, titled "...
Sold Objects
