Galerie - Sold objects

Kees van Renssen (NL) - impressive coffin with trees

Kees (Ben) van Renssen (NL) - impressive coffin with...
Sold Objects

Ellen Rijsdorp (NL) - conical closed pot form with a structure skin

Ellen Rijsdorp (NL) - a conical hand thrown closed form...
Sold Objects

Gustavo Pérez (MEX) - light conical vase shape with incisions

Gustavo Pérez (MEX) - light conical vase shape, hand...
Sold Objects

Hans Coper (DE/UK) - a spade form vase, around 1966

Hans Coper (DE/UK) - a spade form vase, handthrown and...
Sold Objects

Johan van Loon (NL) - oval double-walled closed bowl form

Johan van Loon (NL), oval double-walled closed bowl form...
Sold Objects

Colin Pearson (UK) - large open bowl on foot

Colin Pearson (UK) -  an impressive large open bowl on...
Sold Objects

Gustavo Pérez (MEX) - tapered vase with diagonal incisions

Gustavo Pérez (MEX) - tapered vase titled 'Vaso',...
Sold Objects

Tjok Dessauvage (BE) - raku potstructure with porcelain inlays

Tjok Dessauvage (BE) - closed potstructure with airhole...
Sold Objects

Gustavo Pérez (MEX) - sculptural container as a bird

Gustavo Pérez (MEX) - impressive large ceramic container...
Sold Objects

Jan de Rooden (NL) - chawan for the tea ceremony

Jan de Rooden (NL), chawan for the tea ceremony,...
Sold Objects
